A Color Analysis with Color Me Light

In a Color Analysis we find all the colors that naturally harmonize with your features.

There are multiple ways to do a Personal Color Analysis (PCA), so let’s start with what we do here at Color Me Light. After being trained in as many methods of PCA as possible -we prefer and highly recommend- the sci/ART method of PCA. This type of Color Analysis takes into account ALL the dimensions of color:


Hue - is the temperature (does your skin prefer Cool, Warm, or maybe more neutral colors). Most 4 season methods rely heavly on Hue. While it’s important, it may not be as important as CHROMA or VALUE for your features.

Chroma - is the saturation or strength of color (is it soft, strong, or somewhere in between).

Value - is the lightness or darkness of color.

So when you take all 3 dimensions of color into account, instead of you falling into 1 of 4 seasons, you’ll actually be placed into 1 of 12 seasons. Here is an image of the 12 seasons with the primary aspect of color that your features would prefer if you fell in on of those categories below.

We will breakdown each of the 12 seasons and their specific HUE, VALUE, & CHROMA in the next few posts. But for now, this is a great high level view to see each season (with a handful of colors).

So, if you are in the BCS area and want to know what season you would be, book your appointment here! If you are out of town, make sure to find an analyst who has been trained in the sci/ART method of Color Analysis. It’ll be worth it! Trust us!


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